Terminal board out of a Nuclear power-plant

Well, no, it’s not out of a nuclear power-plant, but it definitely looks like it could be!

I’ve always had a thing for retro-looking keyboards but hadn’t ever built anything quite like this. It looks insane and sounds pretty unique too with sharp tactile switches and a lot of work done to the case. Part of that work involved adding weight while the other was to reduce vibration and any “hollowness” to it’s sound signature.

The key-caps are MT3 profile which feel great with the tactile switches and are a dream to type on. I’ve used MT3 profile key-caps on several builds previously, however the layout of the board is a little different to any of my previous builds. There is a stepped caps-lock, longer space bar as well as some missing modifiers but this board is completely programmable so you won’t miss out on any functionality.

This has to be my new favorite board!


Switches: Lubed sharp tactile switches
Key-caps Profile: MT3 Profile
Key-caps Material: Double-shot ABS
Case: Modified case
Connectivity: USB