De-clicked Clicky’s with Gorgeous Key-caps

Building on the success of the previous build – silencing clicky-switches – I worked towards an elegant monotone color-scheme.

In addition to the modifications applied to that build – clicky-switches were lubed and modified into becoming silent, the stabilizers were modified and lubed the case’s sound-signature was modified – all-PBT key-caps were installed. These were black shine-through keys with white function and modifier keys and a splash of color added through 4 maroon navigation keys.

Personally I was going for a minimalist look but once I got the black and white key-caps on, it felt like it needed a daring splash of color just to balance it out. So that’s precisely what I did. The result is what you see… and for what you can’t see, let me just say it sounds amazingly quiet and solid.


Switches: De-clicked Clicky Blue switches
Key-caps Profile: OEM Profile
Key-caps Material: Double-shot PBT
Case: Modified case
Connectivity: Bluetooth, 2.4gh receiver, USB