Keyboard Build:
Return of the Silent Clicky’s

After a couple of builds that came out sounding and looking rather similar, I felt it was time to offer something a little different. I’d always wanted to build a custom keyboard that would mimic the keyboards of old with white and grey key-caps, but felt the interest in these was rather limited. The solution was offering a retro-looking keyboard with some color in a package that would not only sound great but also offer wireless capabilities. … Read moreKeyboard Build:
Return of the Silent Clicky’s

Keyboard Build:
Black, White and a splash of Maroon

Building on the success of the previous build with the “silenced” clicky switches, I worked towards an elegant monotone color-scheme once I got the black and white key-caps on, it felt like it needed a daring splash of color just to balance it out. The result is what you see… and for what you can’t see, let me just say it sounds amazingly quiet and solid. … Read moreKeyboard Build:
Black, White and a splash of Maroon

Keyboard Build:
Clicky Switches made Silent

One of my first customizations saw me pick up a 75% Bluetooth keyboard with soldered clicky-switches with a desire to make it sound better and become office-friendly. In addition to modifying the switches to get rid of the nostalgic click sound, something also had to be done about the stabilizers. These were easily the “weakest link” in the keyboard used as a starting point for this build but with some desperately needed modifications and lubing, they became as quiet as could be. … Read moreKeyboard Build:
Clicky Switches made Silent